So I was given the topic of "Sasquatch" by a fellow castmate, as something to muse on for this next blog entry. I don't actually know a whole lot about Sasquatch, not even enough to be able to expound, but it brings up another interesting topic, THAT being the whole canon of fodder they used as research for The X-Files. Not only Sasquatch, but the Loch Ness monster. The Yeti. Aliens in general. Yes. Aliens. Inexplicable phenomena.
Aliens, I guess, would be the closest to my heart - well, after ghosts and demons - but that's a whole separate blog entry or forty. The year Star Wars came out, all the kids were being Luke and Leia on the playground, but I was obsessed with another blockbuster that summer: Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind. I was 9 and I wanted to be an astronomer. My parents were excited, because they assumed they had a budding little genius on their hands with a scientific mind, but really what interested me about astronomy was all about being able to find life on other planets. My best friend Barbara and I would tell our classmates that we were sisters from the Andromeda galaxy and had gotten separated when our spaceship crashed to Earth. They would quiz us trying to find holes in our story I remember sitting outside that summer in the backyard, looking with longing towards the sky at dusk, wishing the aliens would come down and take me away. I felt jealous of the Richard Dreyfuss character in Close Encounters because he got to go off in the alien craft at the end of the film. Fast forward to adulthood, on the other side of plenty of sci-fi films, books and of course, my beloved X-Files. I was taking a clairvoyant class w/a group of women. One night, our teacher had us take a "journey to our ancestors". Her teachers had a shamanistic and Native American focus, but always had room for everything that wanted to enter the circle. After doing this journey, I found out some interesting things. We went around the circle afterwards, sharing our experiences. Each of the women seemed to have some wise old Native American guide or ancestor who spoke to them - Eagle Bird Man and Red Corn Woman...etc. And then there was ME, whose weird ancestors came from a little further away, namely the Pleiades. As in, the star system Pleiades. Yeah - that's where my journey led me - across the damn stars to a whole other planet. And as farfetched as it sounds, things started to click into place. It all makes a crazy kind of sense. Yes, I totally sound like a FROOT LOOP, but the thing is, I believe it. "There are more things in Heaven and Earth, Horatio..." As an adult, it was the movie Contact, adapted from the Carl Sagan novel that makes the most sense - the notion that perhaps the Earth is not necessarily the be-all and end-all of human origin. Perhaps we came from somewhere else first. Perhaps, sparked by a little alien assistance, the primordial ooze evolved with the union of primate and alien DNA. Yeah, it sounds like a sci-fi movie, and most flks think I have an overactive imagination...but how much crazier is it, really, than to assume there is a god in the sky with a white beard who lives amongst cherubim and a devil with horns and a pitchfork living underfoot?
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