I started in theatre, onstage, rather than behind the scenes. I wasn't ever all that interested in the non-performing aspect until I realized one crucial thing: if there are roles you really want to play, you can either wait for someone to decide to produce that show, audition for it and HOPE you get a part at all, never mind the part you want, or you can take control of being able to do the work you want to, and become the producer (or the playwright or the director) yourself! Both paths are hard work, but going the producing route ensures you the parts you want. After I did this a few times, and though I still "just act" in productions fairly often, I've found it much more fulfilling and interesting to go with the more holistic approach.
Click below to learn more: Multidisciplinary ProductionVarious multidisciplinary theatre productions.
Headshots/StillsPosed headshots, posed stills and some solo production shots.